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Every change to your account on SnapBill is automatically recorded and stored as an action on your account. The actions contain a full audit log and will allow you to see exactly when each change was made, and who made the change.

Action paths

Each action is given a path that allows you to easily select and categorize each action.

/object/add An object (client, contact, invoice, …) was added
/object/update/name The given field of the object was updated
/object/update/data/name The given custom field of the object was updated
/object/delete The object was removed. This only applies to the few objects that can be removed, most other objects will receive a state update to the 'dead' state.
/setting/name The setting on your account was changed.
/bulk/action A bulk action was added to the job queue (email, sms, etc.)
/batch/build A number of clients were added to the given batch

Action object and reference

For a listing of all the parameters included with actions and possible API calls, please check out the action object under our API reference.

developers/general/actions.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/16 14:14 by Jaco van Wyk