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Process Payment via Client Profile

If you intend on only processing a single payment, the easiest way is directly through your clients information page in SnapBill. You can reach this page either through a search or the client listing.

Select the “Process Payment” link in the left navigation menu via the client profile.

Functions Sub-Functions Description
Amount Mark the amount received.
Mark Invoices as Paid Select the order of invoices listed i.e Oldest Invoices First/Custom.
Payment Method The method in which the payment was received i.e cash/EFT (the options will be determined by which methods you have activated under Setup > Billing > Payment Methods.
Date of Receipt
Invoices Mark the correct invoice for which the payment needs to be applied to.

If a payment is captured without any invoices marked, the payment will be applied to the client profile as a credit and will automatically be applied to the next invoice

Processing cash, cheque, eft, or bank deposits

  1. Click Process Payment in the the left navigation menu
  2. Fill in the Amount, Date of Receipt and Reference
  3. The Remaining credit field adds the existing credit on the account and the payment amount you are about to apply to tell you how much total credit you can use.
  4. Select Custom in the dropdown to select the invoices you want to apply the payment to yourself, select Oldest Invoices First to have SnapBill automatically choose for you.
  5. All invoices with a tick next to them will be marked as paid.
  6. To finish click Process payments.

A notification of payment as well as a statement will be sent to your client when you finish. To change your automatic email settings go to Setup > Billing > Invoicing.

Remove an incorrectly applied payment:

  1. Go to the client’s account in SnapBill
  2. Scroll down and locate the incorrectly applied payment in the Payments table
  3. Click the description link in the Reference column of the Payments table next to the incorrect applied payment date
  4. Click Remove payment in the left navigation menu to delete the payment.

If you need to process many payments at once, we have a separate page which will save you some time see: Processing Many Payments

See also: Applying Partial Payments ; Credit

process_payment.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/04 14:25 by Lisa Adams